Meet the Team

Our team is made up of 15 pupils (11 girls and 4 boys) and four teachers. The team is divided into four separate sub-teams; media team, art team, sports team and teaching team. Each sub-team have will have different roles and responsibilities during our trip.

Media Team:
The media team's role is to raise awareness for the charity and our trip around school. They will also be responsible for putting up blog posts before we leave and while we are away, to keep you updated on our fundraising progress and also what we get up to in India.

Name: Aimee 

Age: Year 13

Favourite Subjects: RE, French, German

Hobbies: Photography, Baking
Reasons for applying: I have always wanted to be a part of the school Asha team and I just really can't wait to use the skills that I have been given to help others, especially those less fortunate than myself. I think it will really change my perspective on life and make me so much more grateful for everything that I have.

Name: Lauren 

Age: Year 14

Favourite Subjects: Biology, Physics, Maths, Chemistry

Hobbies: Baking, Cooking, Hiking with my siblings and my dog, Reading and researching new things

Reasons for applying: I have always had an urge to help other people and see new things. I think Asha will open my eyes to the difficulties some people have to live with on a daily basis. I hope to raise awareness for the charity and do whatever is in my power, however small that may be, to help people struggling.
Name: Zak 

Age: Year 14

Favourite Subjects: Government and Politics, Spanish

Hobbies: Watching rugby, Running

Reasons for applying: I recently went to Spain on an Exodus team and have had a real passion for mission work since. When I heard about ASHA for the first time, I just knew it was for me!

Art and Crafts Team:
The art team will design and plan crafts for the children to do while we are away. They will also be painting murals on the walls of the ASHA resource centre that we will be visiting.

Name: Jessica

Age: Year 14

Favourite Subjects: Art, Media Studies

Hobbies: Piano, Drama, Sewing, GB, Church

Reasons for applying: I reached a point in my life a couple of years ago when it just hit me that we have so much that we take for granted - even just things we think are normal like education and three meals a day. I really wanted to do something to fix this problem and help those who are truly in need of my help. Asha has given me the opportunity to help and I'm sure it will not only help them but it will also have a major impact on my life.
Name: Katie

Age: Year 14

Favourite Subjects: Art and Physics

Hobbies: I like being creative and designing new thing. I also love adventuring out and about with my friends and family.

Reasons for applying: It''ll be a great experience and a once in a lifetime opportunity! I want to see and experience the culture but more importantly, there is a need amongst the Indian slums and I want to help people less fortunate than me. I love working with children and I can't wait to see all the smiles of the children when we are in Tigri.
Name: Susanna

Age: Year 13

Favourite Subjects: Maths, Art, Chemistry

Hobbies: Painting, Reading

Reasons for applying: From as soon as I heard about it I wanted to go. My cousin went when she was at school and my Granny and Granda went to India a number of years ago to stay with missionaries, so I suppose I always knew and felt drawn to the work people do in India. I'm too materialistic, they're so happy with so little and we are often unhappy with so much. Helping at children's meetings at church makes me want to help other children more, as they are so happy by you even just sitting beside them.

Sports Team:
The sports team's job is to plan games for the children to play, and to spend time playing lots of sports with them during our trip.

Name: Adam

Age: Year 13

Favourite Subjects: Maths, History, Further Maths

Hobbies: Hockey, Running, Trombone, Gym, Cycling, Golf

Reasons for applying:  Ever since I heard about Asha in second year I was amazed by the aspect of going to help children in need with a great team of friends. I believe that this would be a great opportunity to share the skills I have gained by playing and coaching sport to those less fortunate than myself. This amazing experience will undoubtedly leave me with unreal memories and a different outlook on life.

Name: Erin

Age: Year 14

Favourite Subjects: History, Biology, French

Hobbies: Hockey, Dancing, Eating, Travel

Reasons for applying: I applied as hearing and seeing photos from past trips inspired me. I realised that I want someone who has nothing to feel worthy of time and money and I wanted to be able to give others a sense of value in society and remind them of their value to the rest if the world.
Name: Jonny

Age: Year 14

Favourite Subjects: Chemistry, Biology, History

Hobbies: Rugby, Cricket, Cycling, Walking my dog, Good fun with friends!

Reasons for applying: I have always loved working with children, especially in sport, so I jumped at the chance of going to India to help children through sport and to see why they are always so happy with so little.
Name: Stephanie

Age: Year 14

Favourite Subjects: Chemistry, Media Studies

Hobbies: Hockey, Photography

Reasons for applying: I have always wanted to be  a part of the Ballymena Academy ASHA team. I believe this is an incredible opportunity to experience a completely different culture and bring happiness to those who are less fortunate than myself. I'm excited to have my eyes opened and make a difference.

Teaching Team:
The teaching team will prepare and give lessons to the children to help them improve their english, and also to teach them about different subjects/places that they may not know very much about.

Name: Bethan

Age: Year 13

Favourite Subjects: Music, Physics

Hobbies: Music, Drama, Netball

Reasons for applying: I've always wanted to go on this trip ever since i helped cut craft for the team that went out when i was in year 8. Having a little sister, I couldn't imagine her living in the slums of Delhi. Therefore, I want to do my part and try to help those children in Tigri even if that means only making them smile. However, ultimately I think the children will give me more than I could ever give them.
Name: Laura

Age: Year 14

Favourite Subjects: Chemistry, Maths

Hobbies: Piano, Clarinet, Hockey, Cycling

Reasons for applying: Asha is a charity that I have heard about since I was at primary school. When I came to Ballymena Academy I was very exited to discover that the school worked alongside Asha and sends teams to the Tigri slum. As I learned more about the Tigri slum I began to realise how little the people there have. I applied to Asha because I wanted to take the opportunity to try and actively help those who appear to have no hope of a future. I hope to give my best efforts to help the people of Tigri by working as a team to teach them and hopefully improve their lives in the greatest way possible.

Name: Matt

Age: Year 13

Favourite Subjects: Maths, Physics

Hobbies: Cricket, Table Tennis

Reasons for applying: I wanted to test myself and take myself out of my comfort zone and the Asha team blended this superbly with helping and giving back to those much less fortunate than ourselves. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I felt like I couldn't pass it up.
Name: Rachelle

Age: Year 13

Favourite Subjects: Geography, RE, HE

Hobbies: Irish Dancing, Violin

Reasons for applying: I joined the team due to the incredible stories and experiences of past team members. I want to be able to make a difference to these children's lives and be able to gain a new found appreciation for everything I have.
Name: Suzanne

Age: Year 14

Favourite Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Business Studies

Hobbies: Irish Dancing, Sudoku 

Reasons for applying: Having wanted to go on the Ballymena Academy Asha trip to Delhi for all of my school life, I was delighted when the opportunity came up. This is an amazing opportunity to help those less fortunate and experience Indian culture. I look forward to working with the children and bringing smiles to their faces.

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